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Logo Muhasebe Fişleri

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Logo Muhasebe Fişleri

select * from L_CDBTMP

select * from LG_022_01_CSHTOTS

select * from LG_022_01_BNFICHE

select * from LG_022_01_BNFICHE where FICHENO=’11010005′

select * from LG_022_01_EMFICHE where SOURCEFREF=735

select * from LG_022_01_EMFICHE where FICHENO=’11010005′
select * from LG_022_01_EMFLINE where ACCFICHEREF=961

select * from LG_022_01_EMFICHE where FICHENO=’12010167′
select * from LG_022_01_EMFLINE where ACCFICHEREF=8230

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